
Round Two!!

Alrighty, well... we're back in school and back to having CRAZY fun! On Martin Luther King Jr. day Nick and I ventured up to Sandy to visit The Living Planet Aquarium!! Little did we know, EVERYONE and their mom had our same idea, but we still had a great time! The kids were fun to watch, and it gave us an opportunity to fit in!! We learned tons about octopi and I must say I'm very impressed with their skills. Did you know that they are color blind, but that they can sense their scenery and change their surface to any color AND TEXTURE to camouflage? Or that they can take down a shark EASILY? Or that their bodies are completely squishy except for a beak, and they can squeeze through any tiny whole as long as their beak can fit through it?OR that they are really smart? Octopi can solve puzzles and have a tendency to escape from their tanks because they're so clever!

Let's just say, I had no idea...

One of our other favorite parts was the touching of the sting rays and as you can see below we had GREAT SUCCESS! Nick also had a great time practicing his "Nat Geo" photography skills. And for those of you who don't know... "Nat Geo" is short for National Geographic. So even if you are a master of all things octopi, I hope you learned that little fact...

Then again, odds are if you're an octopus guru, you probably learned at least some of it on Nat Geo. So... bravo to you!

Anyway, enjoy our pictures!!


- Professional photographer in the works!! -

- We found Nemo! -

- Snake!! -

- Cool -

- Frogs -

- Happy HAPPY boy! -

- "I'm on a boat y'all!" -

- Shark vs. Octopus -
(we all know who wins!)

- My name. Spelled CORRECTLY!! -

Basically... yay for the aquarium!!!


  1. looks like you guys had a jolly day!!!!!! is that the amazing jacket that you got for christmas from 2 amazing girls????!!!!!! GASP!!!! =)

  2. Just found you guys! Love aquariums! You guys are smart for taking advantage of doing things like that while you are there! We should all go to seaworld!
